Olha's Story
Sixteen-year-old Olha’s life in Ukraine is shattered by war, forcing her to flee to Poland with her younger brother. As she navigates the fear and uncertainty of being a refugee, she is touched by the kindness of strangers. Despite the chaos, Olha clings to her dreams of returning home and helping to rebuild her country, finding solace in her favorite book and music.
Excerpt from a shortfilm I shot for TrueTube/CTVC in Ivano-Frankivsk.
The full film can be found here.
Helping Children Of Ukraine
The ten minute shortfilm for Cornish charity Helping Children of Ukraine shows daily living conditions, challenges faced by students in schools, and the work of the charity in Western Ukraine. I accompanied HCU on a journey transporting ambulances to the country. This film screened at Truro Cathedral to an audience of 600, and was featured by ITV News South West.

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